linkedin Bird Collisions | Aviaway Bird Control
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Glass Panels

Bird Collisions

Solutions to bird collisions are not one-size-fits-all. We take a custom approach to bird control, evaluating your unique set of threat factors to develop a comprehensive program best tailored to your building or site. So whether you're dealing with pigeons, seagulls, or any other birds, we've got you covered. Trust us – our years of experience in this field make us the experts when it comes to keeping birds at bay

Why do Birds Collide with Buildings?

Studies estimate that a range of 360 million to almost 1 billion birds collide with transparent and reflective man-made structures and surfaces every year in the United States alone. That's an average of 2 million collisions each day. Why do birds typically collide with buildings, bridges, and other artificial structures? Many factors play a role, including lighting, vegetation, and water. Depending upon the building's architecture and the surrounding features, including urban, suburban, or rural, collisions may be more or less prevalent. Even the time of day affects whether or not birds will be at greater risk of collisions, depending on the surrounding environment.

Glass building

Birds often percieve landscapes of vegetation, water, or open sky reflected in a building's window glass not to be a solid barrier. Attracted to perceived trees or open sky, birds may then collide with the glass. 

Pigeon flying

Birds instinctively look down when flying as they try to seek out forage or shelter. They may believe they are above the tree line but end up colliding with a tall building, as nothing instinctively prepares them to watch for buildings. 

Building with garden

Depending upon the materials the building is made out of, the percentage of glass, the presence of mature landscaping or water sources nearby, and a multitude of other environmental factors, birds may collide with structures more or less than in other areas.

Developing Our Expert Bird Control Plan

Many factors influence bird behaviors and their opportunities to reduce bird threats. Before designing a site-specific bird control plan, all factors must be considered. Every building, home, structure, garage, warehouse, complex, or campus is unique and presents various factors that need to be considered. If you attempt to install a one size fits all bird control method, often the problem returns after a small amount of time. 


To be successful with a bird control strategy, the project owner needs to consider all factors that go into bird behavior around the building before deciding on steps to take in preventing birds from returning.


An initial monitoring plan must be conducted first to observe and document bird threshold levels and collisions, then a plan to take corrective action to mitigate said problems can be developed. There needs to be a comprehensive inspection of the area that will determine all factors surrounding the building that may aid in the escalation of a bird problem. This can include many significant factors, including:

Proper Bird Species Identification

This allows us to better understand patterns, feeding habits, and which species are at greater risk of collision based on the surrounding environment. It also allows us to develop a more holistic approach to preventing collisions, as what may deter one species of bird may do nothing to deter another. 

Structural Designs

The building facade is a critical factor in assessing potential bird collisions. As stated, birds may perceive natural landscapes, vegetation, or open sky reflections in the glass to be real. In trying to reach those areas, birds may collide with the glass. Some buildings' greatest risk for collisions may be reflections, or it could be green roofs or walls. 

Water Sources

Both natural and artificial water sources can attract birds to a property. Artificial sources can be intentional, such as ponds and fountains, or unintentional, such as puddles. Though many species of birds can obtain sufficient water from their natural food sources, water sources are attractive as a source of additional drinking supply, bathing, and as a source of increased insect populations.

Man-Made Food Sources

Food sources can be an attractant to birds and wildlife and can be man-made or natural. Man-made food sources are those like trash, litter, and through intentional or unintentional feeding. Intentional feeding would be the placement of bird feeders or other food sources. Inadvertent food sources can result from seed spillage in a warehouse setting or crumbs/food dropped in a restaurant setting.

Collision Monitoring

Taking the time to perform collision monitoring prior to implementing a control plan is another essential step in our bird collision prevention process. This allows us to appropriately determine how great of a risk the building or structure poses to birds and gives us greater insight on where the collisions occur most.

Acceptable Bird Threshold

Any area we inspect has acceptable bird threshold levels. This is the number of birds that are deemed normal for the area and oftentimes provides no benefit to removing, as their numbers are small enough that they pose little risk. This number varies and must be evaluated alongside all other factors to properly assess what levels are acceptable. 

Nesting Areas

Trees and shrubs provide nesting areas for many species, while open fields and rooftops can be suitable for others. Some species nest or roost communally and require larger nesting areas. Birds spend considerable time and energy constructing and establishing a nesting territory. Once the nest site has been selected, they will maintain and defend it. Discouraging the use of an existing nest is consequently challenging to accomplish, and removing active nests of many species is illegal.


The presence of natural or naturalized vegetation can encourage bird usage of an area. Trees and shrubs can provide food sources, shelter, cover, and nest sites. When vegetated habitats are present near buildings and structures, birds, and other wildlife can utilize the built habitats to supplement their life requisites. Buildings and other structures can be used for nesting and roosting sites since they are close to a desirable habitat.

Trash Removal Practices

Ensuring consistent trash removal is performed and the trash remains in an enclosed area or container a good distance away from structures can discourage bird activity in the area, as oftentimes they are attracted to anything that could provide them with a potential food source. Certain species, like pigeons or seagulls, are more attracted to these food sources than others.

Building Lighting

The building lighting can be a big factor in bird collisions, for example, spotlights or bright lighting at night causes birds to veer off track and circle lights or collide with illuminated buildings. Birds have been known to fly endlessly around bright spotlights in the sky until they are so fatigued they collapse or become less aware of their surroundings, putting them at higher risk of collision. 




After conducting the survey of the site, we will evaluate all findings and determine which factors play the biggest part in why you have a bird control problem. 

Pigeon flocking

Program Design


We will develop a site-specific holistic approach that addresses your building's natural and build environment to reduce bird injury and mortality from in-flight collisions with buildings.



We will develop a plan for monitoring of the building to document any further bird fatalities from collisions. We can then adjust the bird collision prevention plan as needed based on the findings



Mesh screens
Mesh Screens

can be used to deter birds from flying into smaller windows individually or cover a large array of windows in a large sheet

Window Decals

Hawk and other predator bird decals can deter bird collisions, but must be densely applied with little visible glass in between. 

Window films
Window Films

Window films are often peel and stick and give your windows a frosted appearance, eliminating any reflection that may have been present

Textured glass
Textured Glass

For new construction projects that often require certain bird collision deterrents, textured glass can be a good option, as it lasts longer than decals or films

Fritted glass
Fritted Glass
Bio acoustics

Another more permanent window modification, this tends to last longer and is more resilient than decals or films. 

Custom sound packages can be installed to deter bird collisions for a wider area than glass treatments, with a range of up to 1,200 sqft. 

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