When it comes to bird control, bird spikes are one of the primary tools of the trade. Bird spikes are placed on ledges, rooflines, and other surfaces to prevent birds from landing on them and to discourage them from staying in the area.
Contrary to what you might think, bird spikes do not in any way harm birds. The spikes are generally plastic and are not barbed so as to cut or injure the birds; rather they stick out to make ledges and landings unattractive places for the birds to land.
Bird spikes are primarily used to control sea gulls, pigeons and crows. Smaller birds like sparrows are able to fit in between the spikes and can even perch on them. Larger birds like a turkey vulture may bend the spikes due to their weight.
When it comes to price, bird spikes are a moderate-to-low-cost option. The price of bird spikes is going to depend on how big an area you are going to cover with spikes. If you are covering miles upon miles with bird spikes, the price will still be high, but it may be comparatively less high than installing bird netting over the same area. On the other hand, if you are covering a bird landing or two with bird spikes, the price will be quite low.
Aesthetic considerations are another factor to take into account when considering bird spikes. Bird spikes are going to have a light-to-moderate visible impact on your building depending on how many spikes you are installing. If aesthetic considerations are important to you, bird wire is a similar ledge modification method that has lower visual impact.
Bird spikes can be installed onto any kind of surface, whether it is flat or slanted. Bird spikes come in a number of different types, depending on what material they are made from and where you plan to install them.
Here are some bird spikes to look for when bird-proofing your building:
Plastic bird spikes are some of the most common bird spikes on the market. Plastic bird spikes are made up of a number of small plastic pins, each one similar in size and shape to a toothpick. Plastic bird spikes can be put on both flat surfaces and slanted surfaces and look just like a bird would not land on them. Plastic bird spikes are easy to install and maintain and come in different colors, although they may fade over time under the sun. Plastic bird spikes are ideal bird spikes for roofs, but some people also use them on ledges.
Metal bird spikes are completely different from plastic bird spikes in that they are made up of long metal pins or rods, which can be inserted into roofing material or walls. Metal bird spikes are perfect bird spike choices for roof installation because the metal bird spike rods are typically hollow, making them ideal for insertion; bird spikes cannot be driven into roofing material like metal bird spike rods can. Metal bird spikes are long-lasting bird control tools that also come in different colors to match your needs.
Another option to consider that solves the same problem of bird spikes is ledge modification. You can modify the ledge birds are perching on to a slanted angle so they can no longer perch on it. An example of ledge modification can be seen here at AviAngle.
Benefits of Bird Spikes:
Block Birds Off Ledges
Reduce Bird Presence
Lower Bird Droppings
Reduce Birds Nesting
Keep Birds Away
Summary: Bird spikes are a bird control method for physically blocking birds off ledges and surfaces. They work best for medium-sized birds, are a moderate-to-low-cost option, and come in plastic and metal varieties.
If you have a bird problem, we can help. AviAway professionally installs bird control solutions for all bird species. We have 30+ years of experience in bird control and have performed work for companies like Amazon, Rite Aid, and the U.S. Postal Service. Click here or call 844-247-3373 to request a free bird control quote.
We also offer free bird control consultations. Click here to set up a free consultation and talk with one of our bird control experts about solving your bird problem.