Bird Droppings and Their Detrimental Effect on Health

As harmless as city birds can be, their droppings can be harmful to our health. This is because bird droppings can carry as high as sixty microorganisms in a single dropping.
As such, these organisms can trigger an outbreak of the disease in a community. So, you need to be on the lookout for bird droppings, and you must also take necessary precautions.
If you have ever considered bird droppings harmless, you will be surprised to discover that they aren’t. Some birds are carriers of disease, and some include pigeons, geese, house sparrows, and unfortunately chickens.
Here are harmful effects of bird droppings:
1. Candidiasis This is a yeast or fungus infection which is usually spread by pigeons. As such, symptoms associated with this infection include itching, aches, and discharge in the private area, especially with women. The parts of the body that are usually affected include the urinary tracts, mouth, respiratory tracts, etc.
2. Salmonellosis Those staying in residences having an influx of pigeons, sparrows and starlings have a higher chance of contracting this infection. This is because this infection is usually airborne. Therefore, air vents, air conditioners can easily saturate the bacteria, and they will settle on uncovered food items. Susceptible places where this transmission can occur include restaurants, homes, or food processing plants. So, it becomes easy for individuals to suffer a form of food poisoning. This is because these bacteria can settle on food items, causing danger to human health.
3. E. Coil This is a type of bacteria that is usually associated with cattle and other forms of dairy. However, there are times where birds pick up seeds from the dung of these animals. When this happens, it becomes easy for birds to carry this bacteria and deposit it as feces at different apartments. The contaminated feces of these birds can drop into a large amount of water supply or food items.
4. St. Louis Encephalitis This infection causes the inflammation of the nervous system, triggering fever, headache, and drowsiness. It can lead to paralysis, coma and in severe cases death. Interestingly, this infection can host on all ages, but those beyond the age of sixty can be fatally affected. So, an infected bird can be open to mosquito infestation, which will transfer it to humans. However, preserving birds should not the detrimental to the health of individuals in their respective residences. Therefore, measures need to be taken to ensure that there is no outbreak of any form of disease.
Some of these measures shall be discussed below, to create safe environments for humans to inhabit.
1. Eliminate rodents These animals have the capacity of constituting a nuisance in many homes. So, it becomes easy for this animal to enhance the spreading of various diseases. This usually occurs when rodents come in contact with bird droppings, and this creates an avenue for disease outbreak. Surprisingly, these rodents can come in contact with edible foods which can be ingested ignorantly. Therefore, you need to ensure that rodents are exterminated to reduce the chances of an epidemic.
2. Wash food items thoroughly You should ensure that all edible food items are properly washed before eating them. There could be cases whereby birds drop feces while gliding and flying in the sky. The air becomes contaminated, and harmful organisms present in the droppings of these birds settle on exposed food items. So, whenever you get food items that are openly displayed in various places, ensure that you wash them thoroughly before eating.
3. Disinfect habitual gatherings Birds are in the habit of forming gatherings. So, to intercept a disease outbreak, ensure that all habitual gatherings are disinfected properly. This is because a moistened surface can provide an avenue through which micro-organisms can be carried by humans. As such children are the most vulnerable in this area. This is because a child can end up sticking a hand into the mouth, triggering fever or drowsiness.
4. Take care of your hands Your hands can harbor a lot of harmful bacteria. So, it is advisable to maintain a clean lifestyle. Always ensure that your hands are properly washed whenever you come with contact with unknowing surfaces. Moreover, you can keep a handy hand sanitizer, so you do not contract diseases from contaminated surfaces.
5. Get rid of unused containers Always ensure that you do not harbor remaining containers in your surroundings. This is because containers can collect rainwater, which will, in turn, serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Interestingly, these mosquitoes feast on some of these infected birds, which can be detrimental to your health. So, when mosquitoes bite you, you may start experiencing some of the symptoms associated with bird diseases.
If you have a bird problem, we can help. AviAway professionally installs bird control solutions for all bird species. We have 30+ years of experience in bird control and have performed work for companies like Amazon, Rite Aid, and the U.S. Postal Service. Click here or call 844-247-3373 to request a free bird control quote.
We also offer free bird control consultations. Click here to set up a free consultation and talk with one of our bird control experts about solving your bird problem.