Importance of Bird Control Around Commercial Buildings

Birds are beautiful creatures, but they can be troublesome when they decide to nest around commercial buildings. Apart from the nuisance, they would create with their constant chirping, having them around is a cause for health concerns. Their droppings can lead to medical conditions like psittacosis, histoplasmosis or cryptococcosis.
Also, when droppings begin to accumulate, they can lead to the destruction of building structures or even ruin painted walls. They can even build their nests near ventilation vents, clogging air supply or even cause fire hazards by nesting beside electrical appliances.
In addition to these, they can fly around and scatter leaves and flowers in gardens and peck at fruits from trees, making a general mess. Therefore, it is very important to control these creatures and ensure that they do not make their homes in commercial buildings or build nests in the ledges and rafters.
Controlling the birds
Getting rid of birds, around commercial buildings, especially when they are large in number, is not a very easy task. This is also made difficult by the fact that, for the exception of European starlings, pigeons, and domestic sparrows, the federal and state laws in most countries protect all birds.
Also, apart from crows or blackbirds, when they are seen doing damage to the building or plants around, disturbing a bird that is about to hatch eggs or that has hatched already, is illegal. So, it is better not to allow birds nest in the first place.
To apply any control technique against birds, a permit is required. But before then, you would have to ensure that some factors are in place.
• Make sure that whatever method to be applied is not dangerous to whoever would apply it.
• People around should be put into consideration, especially with methods that are lethal to avoid harming species that are not targeted.
• Since your building is commercial and hence visible to the public, bear in mind the sensitivity of others. It would be wise to use other means of control that are not lethal to avoid hurting your business in the process.
• Use a method that is not too expensive and would not cause damage, as damage would negate the whole point of controlling the birds.
Methods of controlling birds around commercial buildings include:
1. Using Traps
Trapping is an easy and inexpensive way to control birds. The commonly used trap is the 'Bob' trap, named because of the bobs that are built in front of them. These traps swing only inwards, so when the birds walk in, they would not be able to walk out.
Bird-like looking objects, food, and water can be placed in the traps for more efficacy.
2. Making Roosting Uncomfortable For Them
When birds have a hard time roosting around your building, there is a greater chance of them staying clear of it. You can do these in nonlethal but quite pricey ways.
Some chemicals which are sticky and slippery can be painted on the ledges, rafters and hiding places, thus making them uncomfortable for the birds.
Electrical conductors can be installed in the same places so that birds that come around would be electrically shocked, making them fly away.
Building catwalks along these rafters would certainly discourage birds as cats would have access to the structures.
Porcupine wires can also be installed. The mere sight of the sharp points alone would be unwelcoming to birds. Note that domestic sparrows can fit in the spaces between the wires as these birds are small in size.
3. Reduction of Their Reproduction Rates
Though this method is not lethal, it is time-consuming and applies only to birds not protected by the law.
This is done by piercing holes on the eggs. The advantage of this method is that the birds would spend time that they would have used in building a new nest to sit on eggs that are not viable.
Another way is by pulling down the nests containing eggs.
4. Do Not Allow Access
This might be costly, but in the end, it would save your time and money.
Using netting, secure rafters underneath.
Windows that are broken should be repaired.
Openings large enough to accommodate the smallest birds should be closed.
Doors that cannot stay closed at all times should have heavy plastic materials hanging from them. This way, people, and machines can pass through, but birds would not.
5. Prevent the Probability of Nesting
This is perhaps, the most important way to control birds around your buildings. If you deal with livestock, then this method is for you especially. Leaving grains spilled around or uncovered is an invitation to birds. So, keep grains secured and pack away any ones that fall to the ground or any surface.
Water should not be made available to birds. Even if your life stock feed from them, the water in the tank or receptacle should be leveled in such a way that it would be too deep for the birds to settle on. It should also be shallow to the extent that even if they perch around it, they would not be able to reach the water.
6. Use Lethal Means
This should be the last resort for the owner of a commercial building. All other methods should be attempted first.
If you have a bird problem, we can help. AviAway professionally installs bird control solutions for all bird species. We have 30+ years of experience in bird control and have performed work for companies like Amazon, Rite Aid, and the U.S. Postal Service. Click here or call 844-247-3373 to request a free bird control quote.
We also offer free bird control consultations. Click here to set up a free consultation and talk with one of our bird control experts about solving your bird problem.