Slip and Fall Risk from Bird Dropping Accumulation

Bird droppings make the environment look very messy. They are difficult to clean and most times could make people slip and fall causing serious injuries. Disease-causing organisms that can grow in soil mixed nutrient accumulations of debris, feathers, and bird droppings are a serious health risk. Not only are bird droppings messy they can be difficult to remove, and they can cause slip-and-fall accidents and harbor numerous human pathogens.
Are bird droppings dangerous to people's health? The answer is yes. A lot of home accidents have been recorded because of these droppings, but the issue is that so many persons feel embarrassed to report to authorities that they fell and sustained injuries because of bird droppings. These droppings pose serious health and environmental hazards to individuals especially children who always play around in the rain.
The feces of a bird like a pigeon can damage buildings, cars, trees, shrubs, benches, lawns, and park fountains. This debris, when accumulated can cause a high rate of property damage and increased health decline. It also invites rodents and other dirty animals to your surroundings.
Cleanup and Removal of Bird Droppings
Removal and clean-up of the bird droppings should not be done by just anybody because it can pose serious health risks to the individuals. An untrained individual may get infected with a lot of diseases even without knowing it. Removal and cleaning up of bird droppings should be done by professionals who are trained for every situation and have the proper equipment and safety knowledge to combat all situations without putting themselves or others in danger.
These professionals make use of the industry’s leading techniques and equipment, like powerful trade vacuums and advanced breathing equipment. There are professionals known who fully equipped technicians are ready to clear contaminated materials from your home and make it a healthy, eco-friendly environment to live in. These trained Humane Technicians follow the necessary precautions to reduce the risk of getting infected by disease-causing organisms in the droppings.
The procedures include; wearing hats, shoe coverings, biohazard suits, respirators that filter particle as small as 0.3 microns, moistening the bird waste with a mist of water to stop spores from becoming airborne, disposing of the waste materials properly, sealing, coverall, heating, and cooling air ducts can help.
Once the area is clean and clear, the team prepares to install environmentally friendly cellulose insulation to replace what was removed. There are a lot of infectious bird diseases that can be gotten from birds like; house sparrows, geese, pigeons, and starling, which affect humans and destroy the immune system. Some of the health challenges include:
Histoplasmosis This is a disease that affects your respiratory organs. The effects of this disease most times may be fatal. It develops when fungus grows in dried bird droppings. This fungus can be found in yeast form or filamentous form.
Candidiasis Candidiasis is a disease that affects the intestines, vagina, urogenital tract, the skin, and the respiratory system. It is a fungus or yeast infection carried by pigeons. This infection is a major issue for women and young girls, with symptoms like; itching, pain and smelly yellowish or milkish discharge from the private part.
Cryptococcosis This is caused by yeast found in the intestinal tract of pigeons and starlings. The first health condition that the patient usually notices is a pulmonary disease which eventually spread to the central nervous system. Barns, schools, offices, park buildings, attics, cupolas, warehouses, ledges, signs, mills, are typical sites for nesting. This fungus will always be found in these areas.
Louis Encephalitis Just like the name sounds; this condition is an inflammation of an individual's nervous system. It causes fever drowsiness, and headaches. It results in paralysis, coma or even death. Louis encephalitis can be diagnosed in anybody whether old and young. It is mostly disastrous when it is diagnosed in persons over 60 years because of immune depreciation. The disease is spread to humans and animals by mosquitoes that have fed on the droppings of infected house finches, pigeons and house sparrow that are carrying the Group B virus which is responsible for infecting humans with Louis encephalitis.
Salmonellosis It often occurs as “food poisoning” and can be traced to starlings, pigeons, sparrows, and many other rodents. Bird droppings are the carriers of the disease bacteria, and the dust from these droppings are sucked into air conditioners and ventilators. After which the cooking areas in homes, food processing plants and restaurants and the foods are infected.
Coli Infection
It is one of the most common infections caused by an enteric bacteria. This bacteria is often found in the feces. When some birds or rodents come in contact with sites, they carry it and distribute to humans. The minute birds' peck on cow droppings, the E. coli is transferred to the birds. And the water supply and food are easily contaminated with the bird droppings.
Additional Concerns Bird fecal matter and feathers affect the heating and cooling components as well as the indoor air quality of any facility. These droppings can pose problems by affecting employees, maintenance personnel, residents, and customers. Serious precautions should be taken to ensure that building occupants and maintenance personnel are protected from these droppings.
To avoid issues like slipping and falling from droppings, a lot of things should be put in place. Regular sweeping, and sanitizing should be done, all hidden places in schools, churches, residential buildings, shops, or commercial areas should be checked on a daily basis to stop these birds from perching there and dropping feces which may later result in something else. Also, children should be educated on why they should not put anything they see or pick from the floor in their mouths. They should not even pick anything at all. This is because they are at greater risks of getting contaminated.
Precautions should also be taken especially in areas where there are a lot of trees which could serve as a point of contact to these birds, and from there they may drop their feces into water or on land. People should also be careful when they are walking around the compound so as not to slip and fall from bird droppings.
If you have a bird problem, we can help. AviAway professionally installs bird control solutions for all bird species. We have 30+ years of experience in bird control and have performed work for companies like Amazon, Rite Aid, and the U.S. Postal Service. Click here or call 844-247-3373 to request a free bird control quote.
We also offer free bird control consultations. Click here to set up a free consultation and talk with one of our bird control experts about solving your bird problem.