Airport Bird Control Methods
Birds collide with airplanes up to twenty times a day, every day, in the United States. These stories do not always end tragically, but they often have the potential to. The movie "Sully," a true story about a pilot crash-landing in the Hudson River, was caused by an engine failure due to a bird collision.
The biggest risk of bird collisions is that they can cause planes to crash and can cost human life in addition to the damage to the airplane itself. These risks are largely preventable and this article will explore some of the options for bird control in airports.
Bird prevention is the first step in airport bird control. Why are the birds there in the first place? Are they there for nesting or for food? It is important to take away the impetus for the birds to be there in the first place.
If there is a food source that the birds are eating from, make sure to remove that food source. For example, if there is an open trash compactor that seagulls are flocking around and eating, block off the compactor from the birds. This can be done through bird netting or building modification.
Another possible food source is insects. If there is an insect infestation that the birds are eating from, it may be easier to remove the insect infestation first than to attempt to remove the birds initially.
Birds also eat crops and plants. Methyl anthranilate is a safe and humane option to prevent birds from eating from these food sources. Unlike other bird control chemicals, methyl anthranilate does not harm the birds or the plants. Birds like crows and starlings do not like the taste or smell of the chemical and will have to find somewhere else to look for food.
Another thing to look for in bird prevention is nesting grounds. If birds are nesting on airport grounds, they are going to be more invested in the area and the bird problem is going to multiply as they reproduce.
There are only a few species of bird nests you can legally remove yourself. The rest are protected in North America under the Migratory Bird Act of 1918.
If birds are nesting, it is best to call in a bird control company to address the problem. These companies know the laws and regulations involved with addressing the problem and can help you come up with a solution to your problem, which will differ by species.
After bird prevention, or removing the reason the birds are there in the first place, comes bird deterrence, or excluding birds with various tools and techniques.
Our first recommendation for airport bird deterrence is bird netting. Bird netting excludes birds with close to 100% efficiency. If you want to prevent birds from entering an area, netting is one of the best options available. Bird netting is a long-term solution to your bird control problem. It will last 20+ years and endure all weather conditions.
Netting can be installed over a larger area, including blocking off entire sections of the airport, or can be used for smaller areas, such as underneath rafters to prevent birds from nesting.
Another airport bird control option is pond netting. Pond netting is placed over ponds, water basins, or other water-based locations and prevents birds from using the water. Specifically, this method of bird control is often used for geese like the Canada Goose. It prevents the birds from using the water as their home.
Electric shock tracks are another option often used at airports. These strips give out a small electric shock that tells birds not to land on that surface. Over time the birds learn they cannot land there and stop coming back to that area.
Our next recommendation is bird spikes. Spikes are placed on ledges or areas where birds are perching. Spikes prevent birds from landing on surfaces and congregating. For airports, spikes are best used in combination with other methods. They will prevent birds from perching on ledges, but for airport locations, it is best to exclude birds entirely.
For airports, the right solution is usually to call in a bird control company. They can solve your bird problem for you.
Benefits of Airport Bird Control:
Lower Bird Strike Risk
Increase Airport Safety
Remove Nesting Birds
Remove Bird Borne Disease Risk
Remove Bird Nest Fire Risk
AviAway professionally installs bird control solutions for all bird species. We have 30+ years of experience in bird control and have performed work for companies like Amazon, Rite Aid, and the U.S. Postal Service. Click here or call 844-247-3373 to request a free bird control quote.
We also offer free bird control consultations. Click here to set up a free consultation and talk with one of our bird control experts about solving your bird problem.