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Bird Control for Retail Stores

Birds like to flock anywhere they can find food and shelter, and retail stores are no exception. Birds of all types tend to flock around retail stores, including pigeons, seagulls, sparrows, and more. Once the birds make the store their home, they can be quite a nuisance, disturbing customers and spreading droppings all over the surrounding area.

So, what's the best way to remove birds from a retail store?

In any bird infestation, the best way to get rid of birds is to remove the birds' food sources and block off their nesting grounds. Without food sources and nesting grounds, birds will be much less attached to the area, and any bird deterrent methods installed will be much more effective.

The first step is to fixing your bird problem is getting rid of bird food sources. Birds like to eat from open trash containers, discarded food left on the ground, and food intentionally fed to the birds. To deter birds, replace open trash containers with closed trash containers (including dumpsters), have staff pick up discarded food frequently, and remind people not to feed the birds.

Without a source of food, birds will be much less attached to the area.

The next step to getting rid of birds is to remove their nesting grounds. Birds like to nest in enclosed, covered areas that provide them protection from predators and the elements. Common bird nesting grounds include on the roof of the store, near chimneys, on ledges, in docking bay rafters, and near trash areas. These areas can usually be netted off with bird netting.

Bird netting is our most highly-recommended bird deterrent product. Installed correctly, bird netting blocks out birds with 100% effectiveness. No other bird deterrent product boasts the same exclusionary power as bird netting. Bird netting will block birds both from entering into and perching in an area as well as nesting in a protected area. With bird netting installed, birds will stay out.

retail store bird netting

The next factor to take into consideration is whether birds are already nesting at the site. If birds are already nesting, we recommend calling in a bird control company to inspect the site. Moving a birds' nest yourself is dangerous and is likely to be illegal. Birds nests are hosts to disease, parasites, and territorial birds. Most bird species are also protected under the Migratory Bird Act Treaty of 1918, making it illegal to move a nest or interfere with the species in any way.

A bird control company like AviAway can take a look at your bird problem, identify the best way to proceed, and get a permit to move the birds and their nests. Once the nesting birds are moved, they can install bird exclusion devices like bird netting over potential nesting areas to stop birds from coming back again.

If birds are constantly in an area, they are usually there for food and nesting grounds. Once you've removed the birds' food sources and blocked off their nesting grounds, the great majority of your bird problem will be solved. If there are still some stray birds flying around or perching in the area, you can install further bird deterrents to block them out.

Bird spikes physically block birds from perching on ledges and other surfaces. They are often placed on rooflines, ledges, fences, and other areas where birds like to perch. Bird spikes are a popular method of bird control and are commonly used throughout the world.

retail store bird spikes

Tension wire is a similar method of bird control. Tension wire is a wire spread across raised poles of uneven heights. Tension wire physically blocks birds from landing on a surface, just like bird spikes do. It is sometimes preferred over bird spikes for its lower visibility, which works better if aesthetics are a factor.

Electric shock tracks are another bird control option. Shock tracks block ledges and surfaces, the same as bird spikes or tension wire, with an electric shock that birds learn to avoid. Shock tracks are nearly invisible as a bird control method and can be installed on surfaces birds are landing.

One last bird control option is a device like AviAngle. AviAngle converts a ledge with a 90-degree angle (i.e. a flat surface with a wall behind it) into a diagonal surface that birds slide off if they try to land. AviAngle works extremely well on these types of ledges. If you have these types of ledges at your retail store and birds are perching on them, this is a great option. It is one of the few bird control devices that, along with bird netting, excludes birds from ledges with 100% effectiveness.

If you are experiencing a bird problem, AviAway can help. AviAway has 30+ years of experience servicing bird control problems and has performed work for companies like Amazon, Rite Aid, and the U.S. Postal Service. We offer services throughout the United States and Canada. We service all types of bird species, from pigeons and sparrows to geese and turkey vultures. Click here or call 844-247-3373 to request a free bird control quote.

Summary: The best ways to get rid of birds at a retail store are removing bird food sources and blocking off their nesting grounds. Removing bird food sources entails replacing open trash receptacles (including dumpsters) with closed trash receptacles, having staff pick up discarded food on the ground frequently, and reminding people not to feed the birds.

The next step is to block off bird nesting grounds. Bird nesting grounds can usually be blocked off with bird netting, which blocks birds out with 100% effectiveness if installed properly. If birds have already nested, your best bet is to call in a bird control company to relocate them and then install exclusionary methods like bird netting.

With that, most of your bird problem should be solved. If there are still birds hanging around and perching, you could also install bird spikes, tension wire, electric shock tracks, or AviAngle to physically block out the remaining birds.


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