Bird Droppings and How to Avoid Them
We all know that bird droppings or feces are gross, but do you know how unsanitary and unhealthy they are? They can contaminate and soil the areas they are located while posing severe health risks to humans, pets, and animals. These feces can be dangerous when dry or wet, potentially carrying bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can be transmitted through contact. When dry, they can very easily transmit airborne pathogens with the smallest gust of wind. Knowing what you can do to avoid and even prevent droppings from accumulating is essential.
When the droppings are dry and they are broken or rubbed, their spores then become airborne. Breathing these airborne spores can be very unhealthy, posing different risks. Airborne pathogens can cause respiratory infections in humans when they are inhaled. The diseases and bacteria that birds carry can then potentially spread to other birds, animals, and even humans through their droppings. Also, bird droppings can provide a breeding ground for insects and other pests, leading to an influx of unwanted guests around a bird's waste. This can lead to new insects in an area that was not previously there. For these reasons, it is crucial to keep bird droppings off your property and away from everyone in that area.
Whether these droppings are out in public or at your private residence, things can be done to avoid the dangers of bird feces. Some proper prevention and planning are needed to ensure safety.
Dropping prevention in public places
Try to avoid droppings or anything birds leave behind, such as feathers or food. By avoiding stepping or walking through any droppings, you can prevent anything from becoming airborne or from contact. Keeping a proper and safe distance and watching where you are walking is a great start.
Dropping prevention at home
Many different deterrents and exclusion systems can keep birds away from your home. There is bird netting, bird wire, shock tracks, or bird spikes. Various options could be effective in your case. These provide longevity to ensure that you will not have any bird problems for an extended period. If you are taking preventative action, then you'll never have to clean up after these birds and risk exposing yourself to bacteria and viruses. Please check our website for a service and product breakdown of which option works best for your situation.
What if there are already droppings? It is crucial to clean up bird droppings as soon as possible and not let them sit untreated. This clean-up will help prevent the spread of disease and make keep your property looking clean. If you choose to take on this task, wearing PPE is essential for your health, and keeping the droppings wet with a cleaning solution so they don't become airborne as easily is another way to make the droppings less of a hazard. Leaving them unattended for an extended period can lead to build-up and is highly unsafe. You can hire a professional bird-dropping cleaning service if there are too many droppings and you feel uncomfortable cleaning and removing them.
You can effectively keep bird droppings off your property by being informed and diligent. You can then prevent the spread of any airborne spores or diseases from flying around. It is worth going through the extra steps to keep everyone safe and healthy. Understanding the potential risks of bird droppings and what can happen if it is left untreated is essential.
Call AviAway at 844-247-3373 or fill out our online form for a free consultation and quote. Don't hesitate to contact AviAway Bird Control Services for any bird questions you may have.