Birds are fascinating creatures, but some of them can become pests, especially in busy places like New York State. Here are ten common bird pests you might see around the state, along with some cool facts about each one!
1. Pigeons
Pigeons are everywhere in New York, especially in the cities. They are known for their cooing sound and can be a nuisance because they leave droppings everywhere. Pigeons can live up to 15 years in the wild. Pigeons were used as messengers in wars because they can find their way home from over 1,000 miles away!
2. House Sparrows
House sparrows are small, brown birds with black markings. They often live near humans and like to build nests in buildings. These birds can raise up to four broods of chicks each year. House sparrows were introduced to North America from Europe in the 1850s.
3. European Starlings
European starlings are shiny black birds with speckles. They travel in large flocks and can take over places quickly. Starlings can mimic the sounds of other birds and even some machines. All the starlings in North America are descendants of 100 birds released in Central Park in 1890.
4. Grackles
Grackles are large, blackbirds with iridescent feathers that shine in the sunlight. They often flock in large numbers and can be very noisy. Grackles are known for their varied diet, eating anything from insects to small animals. They are highly adaptable and can live in both rural and urban areas.
5. Canadian Geese
Canada geese are large birds with long necks and black heads. They often gather in parks and golf courses. These birds migrate long distances, flying in a V-formation. Canada geese mate for life
and can live up to 24 years.
6. Gulls
Gulls, or seagulls, are commonly found near water, but they also scavenge in cities. They have loud calls and are known for stealing food from people. Gulls can drink both fresh and saltwater. Some gulls can live up to 40 years in the wild.
7. Crows
Crows are large, black birds that are very smart. They are known for their loud cawing and can be seen in both cities and the countryside. Crows can use tools and even recognize human faces. A group of crows is called a "murder."
8. Woodpeckers
Woodpeckers have strong beaks for pecking at wood to find insects. They can be a problem when they peck on wooden houses. Woodpeckers have special feet with two toes pointing forward and two backward, helping them grip trees. Woodpeckers can peck up to 20 times per second!
9. Swallows
Swallows are small birds with long, pointed wings. They are known for their swift flying and acrobatic skills. Swallows often build mud nests on buildings. Swallows eat insects and can consume up to 850 insects per day!
10. House Finches
House finches are small birds with red heads and chests. They often live near people and build nests in hanging plants or on buildings. These birds can adapt to many environments. Male house finches get their red color from the food they eat.
Learn More About Bird Control
While these birds pests are important to nature, they can also cause problems to man-made structures. To find the BEST solutions for bird control in New York State, check out AviAway Bird Control today!